Echoes From a Perpetual Stew

This publication is composed of contributions that have been elaborated in the context of the Master Program Critical Inquiry Lab at the Design Academy Eindhoven by the 16 graduating students of 2022. This publication is a spacewhere our works meet for the first time on their own, in one space, as texts.

As every participant chose their own subject of research, this edition appears as an heterogeneous assemblage that has no common narrative or theme. Still, the texts meet, cross, resonate with each other through us sharing a common space where we researched, imagined, and wrote. Regardless of their thematic unrelatedness, the texts are pieces that strongly relate. They are bound together by discussions, breaks, shared dinners, educational, and mundane moments alike.

As such, this publication is the carrier of echoing texts, subtle hints at how we worked together. Reading along shared words, we do not intend to narrate the similarities but something intricate which boiled through all of the works. Not a commonality but rather a liminal tension in proximity and distance, agreements and disagreements, questions and consequences; in the end nothing more but also nothing less than the potential of relations that might be oppositional, supplementary, strange, or between the lines.

Sometimes pressure cooked, some others slow cooked, always infused with each other, without losing our individual profile, but sharpening and becoming more defined through working and exchanging with each other; a perpetual stew.

Text by: Franziska Bax, Maxime Benvenuto, Camille Guibaud, and Emma Sfez

Editorial Design
Franziska Bax, Maxime Benvenuto, Oshin Siao Bhatt, Fernand Bretillot, Matilde Brizzi, Janfer Chung, Camille Guibaud, Lina von Jaruntowski, Jessica Jones, Neal Jordan, Eva Lotta Landskron, Pedro Lobo, Jonė Miškinytė, Niels Postma, Emma Sfez, Camille Wiesel 

Contributors: Gijs de Boer, Patricia Reed, Saskia van Stein

Editors: Franziska Bax, Maxime Benvenuto, Camille Guibaud, Emma Sfez

Design Concept: Lina von Jaruntowski, Eva Lotta Landskron, Pedro Lobo, Camille Wiesel

Proofreading: Oshin Siao Bhatt, Janfer Chung, Niels Postma

Promotion & Events: Fernand Bretillot, Matilde Brizzi, Jessica Jones, Neal Jordan, Jonė Miškinytė

Special Thanks go to: Ali T. As’ ad, Gijs de Boer, Matylda Krzykowski, Yaniya Lee, Wineke van Muiswinkel, Marthe Prin, Patricia Reed, Jack Segbars, Saskia van Stein, Lua Vollaard, Alex Walker

GT Pressura Mono,
Grilli TypePicNic

Paper Inside:
Holmen Book Cream, 70 grs
Paper Cover:
Munken Pure Rough, 300 grs

AS Printon, Tallinn

“A perpetual stew, also known as forever soup, [...] is a pot into which whatever one can find is placed and cooked. The pot is never or rarely emptied all the way, and ingredients and liquid are replenished as necessary. [...] Foods prepared in a perpetual stew have been described as being flavorful due to the manner in which the ingredients blend together, in which the flavor may improve with age.”

Designs by: Janfer Chung, Lina von Jaruntowski, Jessica Jones, Eva Lotta Landskron, Pedro Lobo, Jonė Miškinytė, Emma Sfez